The Wine Growers Of
The Grand River ValleyJoin us for our upcoming events! 22nd Annual Ice Wine FestivalEVENT
The Wine Growers of the Grand River Valley
Members of the Wine Growers of the Grand River Valley (WGGRV) have achieved national and international recognition with award winning wines from the categories of Riesling, Chardonnay, Pinot Gris, Pinot Noir, Cabernet Franc and Ice Wine.
The Grand River Valley
in Northeast Ohio
Picked only from the best grapes
The Grand River Valley is a little piece of viticultural heaven-on-earth formed thousands of years ago when glaciers carved out the Great Lakes and deposited a ridge of fertile soil ideal for the cultivation of vineyards.
The Valley’s contours promote the effective circulation of warmer air, reducing the threat of frost in the spring and extending the growing season so the grapes are able to ripen to perfection. These gentle slopes also help carry away the rainwater from the vine roots so that the vines don’t absorb an overabundance of water that could dilute the concentration of flavor, sugar and other quality attributes.